Thursday, January 25, 2007
back from sch !
sch starts at 9 todae.
walked in the rain. the rain is consider small le ba.
but the wind keep blowin and make the rain as if its big.
had 2 hours of lec and went home (:
went to find the iiso teacher before proceedin home.
i took the stairs while gina took the lift.
e moment i reached level 6.
felt like faintin.
i totally is 'chuan' till canoot tahan.
then went into the lab there.
started sneezing and coughin.
nearly totally out of breathe.
sometimes i jus suspect if i got any illness.
managed to feel better after a while.
but still very xin ku.
then after lookin for the iiso teacher, mi and gina walk to the bus stop.
gina went off first then my bus came next.
slept in the afternoon for a while.
went online to play pool wif gina (as requested by gina =p)
then after tt went to sch again for hoop lesson which starts at 4.
met cl and gina at the bus stop.
walked in the rain again. omg
also got quite strong de wind.
make mi so cold even though im wearin jacket.
im partially wet.
all bcus of the rain.
then mi and gina went to the toilet to 'dry' ourself.
after tt we went up to wds lab.
packed wif people inside.
so we went to sit outside the lab.
met fida.
went to bind iiso thingy.
50 pages for proj. haha.
then went for hoop lesson.
cher release us earlier than before.
then we went to re-bind again the iiso.
cus added some thingy inside (:
then home sweet home (:
short update bout ystd.
sch starts at 4.
felt so sianZ at home.
so went to sch earlier.
but no diff also.
then lesson was quite bored.
walked home the usual way.
reached home, ate dinner.
gina called at bout 9.35 ?
then we chatted for 50 mins on da phone.
chattin craps =p
kk. shall stop here ba (:
thanks for taggin (:
imagine me without yoo -
7:52 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
havin oopg lab lesson now.
so bored.
nothin to do.
everyone is so quiet.
had some fun before lesson.
chatted wif gina.
or sld i say playin.
sch starts at 4.
so sianZ lo.
start so late.
end 6.
hope will end early ba.
imagine me without yoo -
4:24 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
school starts at 10 todae.
reached the bus stop at bout 9.35 liddat.
chatted wif gina a while.
and receive a call from him at bout 9.45-50 ?
then went to concourse to pass the cd.
went up to class.
saw cl and fii at the stairs there.
went class tgt (:
then maths.
finish quite early.
then went itas to eat.
sat down and chatted a while and mi, gina, fida and cl proceed to the lab.
gina and fida did the iiso proj in the lab.
while mi and cl looked thru the glass to see what mr cung is teachin.
great help to our assignment.
managed to complete quite a lot ba.
all thanks to mr cung, cl and gina (:
got A le.
but still need to improve of cus.
then spend the 1 hour break in the lab.
played pool wif gina. again.
then proceed to the LT for a talk.
we play more than we are listenin.
hit one another. =p
then after the talk, we 4 walked to the bus stop.
chatted happily along the way.
then sat at the bus stop.
disturbiin each other again.
it was fun. haha.
then after tt home sweet home (:
so happy to see him.
and also to receive his call. =p
imagine me without yoo -
6:23 PM
Monday, January 22, 2007
back to bloggin.
saw smth which TOTALLY spoil my day todae.
shouldnt say.
had 4 hous of lec in the mornin.
time passes ...
hmm. sometime fast ? sometime slow ?
then break time~
went opp sch to eat kfc.
finished our food.
then e 'ice' war began.
cl and gina started on their war.
gina duno what happen.
go shoot the ice towards cl.
so damn funny can.
then cl threw an ice towards gina.
and the ice was actuali near her legs there and she didnt notice and sat down.
and when she found out, she say out.
and we LAUGH till nearly fall.
canot tahan.
she gonna kill mi if she reads this.
then after tt we went back to sch and 1 plus near 2.
went to find a lab.
played pool with gina in the lab.
i win her =p
then at 3, we went to sit outside the lab.
fii, gina and fida were chattin.
mi and cl chattin on the other sie as well.
then lokman was wif hui yuan.
then chatted for 1 hour.
went to cmsk class.
cher taught us oral presentation.
video will be on on the actual day.
i dun wan =(
then talk of the week.
samson ..
came up wif an activity.
to do wif communication.
spend quite a lot of time on it.
so damn fun.
then after tt a while more, we went back (:
walked the same route wif gina, cl and lokman.
mi and cl were chattin and walkin in front while gina and lokman behiind.
chatted a lot of things.
disturbin gina as well.
so fun (:
then sat at the bus stop to chat.
the sun was so hot.
nearly melted.
then their bus came.
then we left.
and home sweet home (:
the first thin when i reach home was to dl the shows =p
then had dinner.
and jus finished playin pool wif gina again =p
chatted a lot of things as well.
hope tml will be a BETTER day (:
i finally receive his sms (:
happy (:
imagine me without yoo -
9:08 PM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
was out the whole day todae.
went to buy clothes.
wif my mom and 2 sis (:
spend lots of time pickin clothes =p
bought 3 shirts and 2 skirts (:
for new year (:
then went to buy shorts. haha.
for school.
if not no shorts le.
spend bout 3-4 hours there ba ?
then went to buy dinner and home sweet home (:
do i ... ??
imagine me without yoo -
9:18 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
bored day.
started my mornin wif a shockin qns from gina.
i didnt reali ans her qns.
but i think the ans should be yes ?
hope she will see my ans ba (:
hmm. started doin 3 qns of the dcnk case study.
called up gina to ask her.
hoop assignment 2 left about half ba (:
hope can finish real soon.
counted the numbers of hours of break we have the coming week.
11 hours.
its so damn long can.
excluding wed somemore.
but more break time = more time for assignment? games?
kept thinkin of him
wonder wat he doin
hope his injury will heal faster ba (:
although ..
signin off~
imagine me without yoo -
3:22 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007
back from school.
hmm. sch was okok ba todae.
had dcnk tut in e mornin.
went itas to eat after tt.
went business sch wif cl.
then after tt stayed at the concourse.
met vivien.
went to find wee meng.
then went to find yijian.
passed mi the cd.
and stand there to chat for a while.
then later mi and cl stand at the concourse doin nth.
jus lookin at the other schools tt came to our sch.
then merril came.
chatted for a while too.
then he went for class.
then we went down as well.
todae the whole sch is so packed.
then saw samson and benjamin at the lift.
went down fer lesson tgt.
had iiso.
my turn to present ans.
i was sittin on the table to present.
then chatted wif teacher during lesson time.
chatted in chinese =p
then after tt home sweet home (:
walked to the same bus stop wif gina and fida.
gina walked super fast.
while mi and fida taggin behind far away from her.
mi and fida chatted.
then reached bus stop,
chatted a while and good bye. lol.
i think im kinda wierd nowadays.
kept waitin for his sms.
not the usual him i mean.
keep wanting to see where is he.
imagine me without yoo -
8:49 PM
qi shi wo le!
why daren went in sia!!!!!
i wan my NAT~!
sian le lo.
lemme compare daren wif nat.
1. daren is older than nat.
2. his chinese's pronouciation is bad compared to nat.
3. he cant really sing chinese song well compared to nat.
sian liao lo.
jus hope diya will win (:
but i think nat will be given a contract de ba.
ystd night see result le then sian diao.
canot sleep somemore.
duno why.
todae woke up so early.
duno want to do what.
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..
superstar is getting ..
anw. got dcnk tut later. sld be quite boring ba.
then 2 hours break.
than iiso lec -.-
then after tt okok le.
tut and lab.
wonder how will my mood be later o.O
shall update more when i come home from sch todae ba (:
imagine me without yoo -
9:06 AM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
hmm. sch starts at 9 todae.
felt reali UNCOMFORTABLE todae in the mornin.
omg. duno how to describe. hais.
then went out to the concourse before oopg. cus the air con in the LT was so damn cold.
then went out..
saw yi jian and ..
ya. then a while later, cher came. so we went back.
then durin break time...
went itas.
i didnt eat.
then went to pass cd to wee meng.
then pei vivien go itas eat.
then saw someone imitating L.
so BIG diff.
L is more cute and handsome lo.
then his every act also try to imitate L.
got people went up to take picture with him
then after tt went up to concourse.
sat at the stairs wif vivien. cus too crowded below.
then after tt go meet gina and rest.
stayed at concourse a while.
then go lab.
then wds ended.
went down to concourse again.
hmm. gina saw her frens. fii went to find his cousin.
lokman missiin.
so left mi and cl standin at concourse.
then he said wanna go get the info e thingy for ning.
but walk half way then sian le.
then went itas to look for gina.
but when we see her with her frens, mi and cl turn immediately.
then we stand at the concourse.
stand here stand there.
look here look there.
then hoop time.
went up to the lab to have lesson.
mr cung lied to us.
he said he will be helpin out in the open house.
but he stayed in class e whole day.
but he's a nice teacher.
he allowed mi to go home when im not feelin well jus now.
then after tt walk to the bus stop wif gina.
chatted all the way.
chatted bout superstar etc etc.
didnt stop at all.
then soon her bus came.
then after tt home sweet home (:
watch superstar jus now.
NAT will win.
tt fang zhong hua is obviously biased de.
he lik dun lik nat lik tt de.
eeeeee. haha
anyway. not gonna sleep til 12 today.
MUS watch result!
gotta go (:
imagine me without yoo -
9:51 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
hmmm. k .now currently at home. hmm.
had fun in sch today ya. haha. i meant after sch. haha. was playin in class after oopg lesson. lol.
had lots of fun. i shouldnt say out ya (:
then mi, gina, cl and lokman went home tgt. cus fida went home earlier.
then we walk and chat at da same time (:
we said tt tml we want to go to the open house to walk walk. hahah.
chatted a lot of craps along the way. hahah. so fun (:
todae sch start at 12.
hmmm. was a bit late. haha. met up with gina, cl and fida. firstly met up with lokman first.
haha. then we went to class tgt.
e moment we open e door, we see people all rushing their assignment. haha.
all last minute de. haha.
dunno y hoh. everytime thurs when wds starts, i will definitely get flu.
then felt so uncomfortable.
vision blur too.
felt like fainting. haha.
then after tt got 3 hours break. went to the lab at 1, bcus itas was full of people. haha.
then went to the lab, played pool with cl. actuali with gina de. but then her yahoo doesnt seems to start. haha.
so i played with cl. haha. win his rating by a bit. haha.
then played till 2 le then went down to itas. cus people got lesson at the lab. haha. =p
then gina and e rest went to itas to eat while mi and cl use lap top.
started a bit of wds. but felt tt quite plain lei. but better than e before de ba.
then after tt oopg lab. managed to finish e lab with cl's help. thanks le.
hoop assignment 2 also. thanks cl ya. the enemy is moving and e missle too. haha.
hmmm. then after oopg went to the concourse to wait for lokman cus he went to the toilet.
then saw him. hmm. i dun quite like his attitude ya. gina sld noe ba. hmmm.
hate him !
saw ppl tt i dun wanna see.
luckly is at e end of sch then see.
if early mornin see, SPOIL my day.
im sure tml will have a lot of fun. haha. go the open house.
signin off le.
pls dun appear in front of mi again.
pretendin not to see us.
imagine me without yoo -
9:26 PM
now havin 3 hours break. gina beside mi. haha. waitin for her to play pool.
hmm. saw him jus now. felt rather ....
shall not say ba..
felt so bored.
imagine me without yoo -
1:36 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
jus changed my blogskin. mmm. quite nice (:
had lectures all e way today in e mornin. omg. so damn sleepy can.
jus feel lik sleepin.
then after tt was dcnk lab. haha. we wasnt sitting in register no. =p
lab finish quite fast i sld say. then after that was cmsk.
finally handed in the report. haha.
phew ~
was slackin in e class all the way. nth to do =p
then after tt home sweet home (:
cherish before you regret.
i did not cherish tts y im regrettin now ..
imagine me without yoo -
8:27 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
im finally done wif my cmsk. hmmm. sld b printin out later ba. haha. duno printer got ink not.
have been doin cmsk since 1 o'clock. now complete can relax a bit. haha. oopg also done le. only haben put inside the cd. then gonna re-do my wds. haha. cus i think my wds sucks. so re-do. later sld b goin ba. haha. hmm.
gonna go play game le. signin off ~
imagine me without yoo -
3:09 PM
Friday, January 12, 2007
it has been such a long time since i blog le. since 4/1/ ba.
lemme start from mon then.
had 4 lectures in da morning. can die in there. time pass quite slow. so sian lo.
then after 4 lectures was break. had 3 hours break cus no dcnk lab. then we went to itas to eat lunch. after tt went to the lab to do our iiso thingy. then after the break was cmsk. hmm. lesson ended quite early ba. then mi ask cl pei mi go tampines mall. cus i wanted to change my phone. then saw jia hui and shuang hui at TM. haha. then when i reach there, they siad couldnt change. then i was lik -.- . i travel so long then canot change. hais.
ANW. i sort of forget wat else happen on m0n. cus STM (short term memory)
tues. hmm. had apel in the morning. lesson was quite fun ba. then after apel was cmaths. haha. got back term test. hmm. i shall post all the result at the last part ba. then had tut after givin back the test.
then had break for 1 hour. went to find ms jenny to get back the cmsk draft. many many mistakes. hais. see le sian diao.
then after that was hoop. i ask cher how i fare. and as wat i expected. then cher ask mi show him the assignment. then he ask mi some qns. haha. overall ok ba. thanks to gina and cl.
then after that stayed back to do iiso again. i think our grp did quite fast ba. haha.
we did our swim lane. after doing, cl and fida went off le. then mi and gina were playin pool. forvever. then mr paul open the door. we both were lik shock. haha. cus as wat mr cung says, nowadays, the school was rather strict about sutdents playing game. so tts y we were shock. hmmm. tts bout it for tues ba.
has wds in the afternoon. i was late. haha. a bit late la. then short while after i reached, cher went up to tak the wds result. hmm. not v sastisfied with it. haha. but okok lo. then after tt got 3 hours break. seriously, i forgot wat we did during the break. haha. then after break was oopg. got back term test paper was well.. happy with the result. haha. then home sweet home (:
same as monday, 4 lectures in the mornin. but first 2 lectures were busy doing wds beta and the concepts. haha. thanks cl for helpin mi wif the beta. then time pass quite fast ba. haha. break time again. had lunch in itas. after break was wds lab. we went up the the lab earlier to do our beta. edit here and there. then finally went to upload. then at this time, cher say we canot do the text in fireworks. then mi and cl were lik shock. cus we both did it in fireworks. haha. then so i redo lo. didnt manage to finish during the 2 hours lab. so i borrowed cl's lap top to continue do. and finally uploaded it in hoop lesson. then at e start of hoop, mr paul came in. i was so shock lo. tot he will come teach us todae. scare mi. then a while later he left. mr cung came. he gave us back the term test. and talk to us one by one. haha. cus iyts by register no. so i noe when is my turn. so when i walked to his table, he smiled at mi. lol. then i ask ' cher, y u smile at mi?' haha. then sit there talk a while then went back to my seat. the convers was so damn funny la. haha. then after that played pool wif gina. haha. then got one teacher at the lab behind us look thru to the window and saw mi and gina playin. haha. then gina quickly off the window.
then after tt nth much also. haha.
hate rainy days. so COLD~
and as for todae. hmm. had dnck tut in the mornin. got back term test. v happy wif the result. haha. but i miss mr chia. hais. the cher talk as if he's rushing for the train. talk lik machine gun lik tt. haha. then after tt had 1 hour break. went to eat. then went concourse to play lokman's lap top. then we went up to lvl 4 outside LT 1. waited there for the lecturer to come, cus we wanted to book the last row. haha. then has lec. SIAN to the core. the lecturer was like acting cute. omg. haha. but i did learn somethin. then one teacher came to ask us to do the iiso feedback form. this is the FIRST time i see people doin the feedback survey so seriously. haha. and also the FIRST time to see some disagree shaded on the form. haha. then after tt iiso tut. got back term test. then started playin game. hah. played pool wif aizat in one window, played wif gina in another window. haha. then teacher released us at bout 4 plus ? but we stayed till 5 then we go home le. haha. bus came when i reach the bus stop. so reached home quite early (:
kk. time for result.
DCNK: 40.5/50 (A)
WDS: 37/50 (B)
OOPG: 36/50 (B)
IISO: 26/40 (B)
CMATHS: 26/50 (C or D ? )
HOOP: 21.5/50 (F)
failed my hoop. hais. but luckily assignment will help mi.
kkay. tts all for my post (:
imagine me without yoo -
6:44 PM
Friday, January 05, 2007
waa. i haben been bloggin for so long le wor. haha.
k. let me say bout todae first ba. todae got no sch. so stayed at home. haha. managed to finish a lot of things. haha. i completed oopg report, wds beta, iiso part 2. haha. so happy. but im stuck wif cmsk =p wil be touching up on my proposal concept later. haha.
kk. lets say bout ystd ba.
school start at 9. dcnk lecture. haha. was quite fun. wif benny chin's jokes. hahah.
then after tt we got 1 hour break. went to the concourse to do my wds. all thanks to cl. he helped mi a lot. haha. thus resulting mi now able to complete the wds beta (: so we spend bout half an hour or so doin wds. while gina, fida, lokman and ryan duno doin wat. haha.
then after that saw vivien at concourse. soon an hour past. and oopg lec time. hmmm. rather boring ba. haha. but okok la. cus i was chattin wif cl =p
then after that was dcnk tut. went to itas before the tut. saw dun ang tt grp.
during dcnk tut, teacher went thru the term test. haha. quite happy. cus e front i lik all correct (:
but e sad thin was. cher say he's LEAVING! arghhhh. y mus he leave ! another teacher will be takin over. arghh. i dun wan ! i wan mr chia! lol. he's such a nice cher lo. hais.
then after tt we went mensa to eat. so many ppl there. haha. but as long as wif the sicko grp, hah. its ok (: as usual, 'suan-ing' each other. haha. then we walk back to the IT block after eating. they said wanted to tak e cargo lift. we were supposed to lvl 2 e iiso de lab. so they press 2. and noe wat. when we walk out of the lift, we found out tt if we were to take stairs besie the lift, we will reach e same place as well. then we walk out of the lift we were lil -.- y dun jus tak stairs. haha. then after tt we went to do the swimlane which is the e-tut. then tt cl under my name, and under e e-tut message, he went to type the following:
bla bla black sheep,
yes sir yes sir,
3 bags full,
one for my master,
one for my maid,
and one for the little boy who live down the lane.
AND he pressed ENTER!!!!! arghh. lol. and e message were sent. lol.
then after tt went itas wif gina. saw the iiso cher. then i quickly tel him wat happen. and he laughed. lol.
then after tt went back. then i ask cl to go itas wif mi. bought things and went back. then went out again wif cl this time. he went to buy things to eat. then on the way back, cl went to the lab beside e one we used. and he hit the window wif his hand. lol. e motive was tryin to scare gina and fida de. but FAILED ! haha. we were laughin away outside lo. haha. so damn funny.
then we went back and do iiso part 2. then fida left at 3.30. and followed by cl at 4. then after they left, we changed lab. cus e mouse at e iiso lab is so sucky. hahaa.
then went lv 7 lab. but so many ppl. then go lvl 6. then e internet there also. HAIS. no hope. haha. then stayd in sch to do hoop e-tut. then we went to concoure to sit to wait for lokman.
then mi and gina sat at the concourse and started singing. lol. cus her phone no batt. so listen to my mp3. then we both sing cao ge's . haha. so funny lo.
and as we sing, e sky bcame darker and darker. haha.
then wait for tt lokman till 6. wait till i frustrated le. haha. then we walked to the bus stop. and my jeans were wet. hais. then feel so uncomfortable. and finally home sweet home (:
haha. now then i realised i blog so much bout ystd. haha. hmm. shall update more abouot todae de mayb tonight ba (:
imagine me without yoo -
2:06 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007

You are The Moon
Hope, expectation, Bright promises.
The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.
The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
imagine me without yoo -
2:57 PM
todae is o1/o1/o7 !
haha. sorry. abit siao le.
told by my darling, gina, to blog again. haha (:
finally completed my hoop assignment. but still haben burn into the cd. haha.
printed out all the codings. waste so many ink. hais.
ystd stayed up till almost 2 plus to watch vcd. haha.
then ystd the message canot even sent out. so laggy.
keep showing 'Sending Failed'. wa sian. haha.
but in the end, slowly slowly then can le.
2 more days to school le (:
duno should be happy or wat.
happy is that can be with sicko.
sian is bcus sch work, assignment etc.
hmm. im left wif oopg report, cmsk report, iiso, and wds.
hope i will be able to complete all ba.
and i know I WILL (:
kkay. consider got blog le ba (:
signin off~ (:
imagine me without yoo -
1:04 PM